Credits & Disclaimer

We are all indebted to the great gods at Valve and Turtlerock Studios for HalfLife 2, Counterstrike Source and the wonderful bots. They doubtless hold copious intellectual property rights on their products and names and I wish to infringe none of them. I abase myself before their IP lawyers.

I must also thank the map makers, for providing some excellent, fun maps that I am keen to get bots running around on, and still enjoy even after many hours of testing.

Finally an especially big thank you to Zola for being a technical whizz with a website and providing loads of help and guidance. He's far too busy producing top quality professional websites to join my server and blow my head off with awful regularity anymore, but not to answer another of my idiot questions on HTML.

All views expressed here are entirely my own and I don't claim to have any inside or (insert your deity of choice here) given knowledge on nav files for CSS. I have just spent a lot of time getting bots to perform on maps, and learnt what I can from other web sites and other nav files, especially those that come with official maps.

All files are downloaded at your own risk, and I will not be responsible if they destroy your computer, run off with your credit card or eat your hamster.


Charity Web Design

Barndoor's Nav files
image only
Maps and mappers
Credits and disclaimer
image only